Thursday, November 10, 2011

Cincinnati, Ohio

I have had the good fortune this semester to be leading a historic preservation studio class in Northern Kentucky. And Northern Kentucky is a great spot, you should all go by and visit because there is much more there than you might expect. With that said, the city on the other side of the Roebling Bridge from Covington has a few things going for it too. Cincinnati. Porkopolis. Call it what you will, but it contains enough historic buildings and infrastructure to make a preservationist's head spin. The Over-the-Rhine neighborhood is unlike anything I have ever seen. Parts of it feel like someone just walked away in 1890 and never came back. Granted, it may be a little rough around the edges, but if you live anywhere near here and haven't spent a Saturday in OTR, you owe it to yourself. Go to Findlay Market, have some goetta, take some pictures...

Just outside of OTR are some great manhole covers. Looking through the blog, I don't actually have that many from the 1920s. But now I have a few more...

The view from one side of the street

The view from the other side of the street...

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